A downloadable game for Windows

It's like Spiderman but with guns. Swing around the city and find enemies to kill in this short prototype.

Since this is a prototype, I need feedback in order to know what I need to improve for the final game or if I should pursue finishing this project at all.

Controls = Keyboard/ Xbox Controller


Movement = WADS/ lefts Stick

Look = Mouse/ Right Stick

Jump = Space/ A

Grapple Movement

Attach to grapple point = Left Shift/ RB

-No fake grapples a surface must be above and in front of you. (Within Range)

-Jump releases you from grapple.

Grapple Zip = Q/ B

-Quickly moves you to where the camera’s pointing.

(Within Range)

Extend/ Shorten Grapple Rope = G/T, DPad down/ DPad Up (When Grappled)


Shoot Left Weapon = LMB/ LT      Shoot Right Weapon = RMB/ RT

-Has generous aim assist when not in ADS.

Slow-mo Aim = E / LB

-Has meter at bottom center of HUD, refills when not in use, can still aim in regular time when slo-mo is out.

Reload Current Weapons = Press R/ X    Reload All Weapons = Hold R/ X

-Reloading all weapons is twice as long as reloading current weapons

Toggle Through Left Hand Weapons = 1/ DPad Left

Toggle Through Right Hand Weapons = 2/ DPad Right


SpiderGunManPrototypeV1.zip 239 MB

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